membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 28.06.2018 12:03 Uhr
Thema: Australien guckt sich den Kram nun auch mal genauer an Antwort auf: Loot Boxes von Macher
Und alle so: Danke, EA. Und EA so: Wir scheißen mit unserem FUT-Goldesel trotzdem weiter drauf, ihr Knechte!


Following a motion proposed by Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John, the federal government will refer an inquiry into “use of loot boxes in video games, whether they constitute gambling, and whether they are appropriate for younger audiences” to the Environment and Communications References Committee.

The motion was supported by the entirety of the senate, meaning there is no need for debate or a vote in the senate.
In a media release from the Greens, which can be read in full below, Senator Steele-John said, “I have significant concerns about the adequacy of current consumer protection and regulatory frameworks for monetised game mechanics, particularly when we know they are accessible to children.”

Adding, “We know game developers hate them, we know players hate them because they have a negative impact on the game experience, and we know that they urgently need regulation.”

“The impact of gambling on people’s lives is such that we cannot afford to stay silent on this issue, and it is fantastic both the government and the opposition are supporting the Greens on this issue.”
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