membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 13.02.2018 15:29 Uhr
Thema: Es beginnt in Hawaii: "predatory payment mechanisms" Antwort auf: Loot Boxes von Macher
Der Politiker, der während des mittlerweile vergessenen Battlefront II Kotsturms kurz im Mittelpunkt stand, ist wieder da, diesmal mit handfesten Gesetzestexten zur Abstimmung.



A quartet of proposed bills introduced last month target exploitative monetization techniques in video games that some fear might psychologically condition players to become addicted to gambling.

One pair of bills, House Bill 2686 and Senate Bill 3024, would prohibit the sale of any game featuring a system wherein players can purchase a randomized reward using real money to anyone younger than 21 years old.

The other two bills, House Bill 2727 and Senate Bill 3025, would require video game publishers to prominently label games containing such randomized purchase systems, as well as disclose the probability rates of receiving each loot box reward.

“I grew up playing games my whole life,” said state Rep. Chris Lee of Oahu, who spearheaded the bills. “I’ve watched firsthand the evolution of the industry from one that seeks to create new things to one that’s begun to exploit people, especially children, to maximize profit.”

“Whistleblowers have revealed that psychologists are employed to create these mechanisms,” Lee said.

Lee said he has worked with legislators from other states and countries to create a widespread response to predatory payment mechanisms. More than half of U.S. states are pursuing some form of loot box oversight legislation, he said.
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