Rinoa  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 19.12.2017 09:20 Uhr
Thema: Das erste Addon soll Scheiße sein - und sperrt teils Antwort auf: Das erste Addon soll Scheiße sein - und sperrt teils Endgame für Nichtkäufer von membran
>Außerdem ist ein guter Teil des Inhaltes wohl, dass sie die Items in den "Eververse"-Lootboxen ordentlich aufgestockt haben. Hurra!

Hat ja keiner auf mich gehört, als ihr im Rausch wart und es unbedingt spielen wolltet.
>Destructoid 5 / 10
>This idea that Bungie can't possibly provide big free updates is just strange, and a narrative I'd like to see gone from today on. Look at the free Warframe (which many of my raid-mates have moved to), the free loot-centric Path of Exile that delivers massive non-paid expansions, and the open line of communication from developers like Epic Games for Fortnite. You can have it all, from indie projects to mid-sized studios to AAA. Bungie has a fundamental issue from the top-down, and its answer was to enhance the Eververse loot box system (which was originally built to "support the live team with free updates" in the original, a mission that's since been abandoned) and not meaningfully enhance its game even with a paid add-on.
>A DLC that as is, is up there with House of Wolves as the worst Destiny add-on to date. It's a stop-gap solution meant to spackle some of the game's cracks, and the real coat of paint hasn't quite come yet.

>Aber noch besser ist das hier, weil das Max Level (oder Light Level oder was weiß ich) gestiegen ist, können Nichtkäufer nun Zeug nicht mehr spielen, was letzte Woche noch klar ging.
>Bungie has a habit of gating people to encourage DLC purchases but the Prestige Leviathan raid was working fine with the base package -- now, you need the expansion to play the harder version that you could play a week ago.
>Mehr dazu hier:
>If there’s one thing that Destiny players love, it’s being locked out of content until they pay money. Curse of Osiris is happy to deliver, gating off many of Destiny 2's high-level activities to anyone who hasn’t bought the new expansion.
>Curse of Osiris, which came out Tuesday, raises the caps on Destiny 2 character and Power levels. It also raises the requirements for endgame activities across the board, like the raid and Nightfall strike. Whereas in vanilla Destiny 2 the tougher, Prestige versions of both the raid and Nightfall asked you to have a minimum Power level of 300, they now want you to be 330.
>The problem here is that if you don’t have Curse of Osiris, you’re capped at 305 Power, and you can’t actually enter those activities until you buy the expansion

>Reddit Zorn-Thread hier:
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