membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 22.11.2017 07:12 Uhr
Thema: Belgium says loot boxes are gambling, wants them banned in Europe Antwort auf: Loot Boxes von Macher

Last week, Belgium's Gaming Commission announced that it had launched an investigation into whether the loot boxes available for purchase in games like Overwatch and Star Wars Battlefront 2 constitute a form of gambling. Today, VTM News reported that the ruling is in, and the answer is yes.

The Google translation is a little sloppy, as usual, but the message is clear enough. "The mixing of money and addiction is gambling," the Gaming Commission declared. Belgium's Minister of Justice Koen Geens also weighed in, saying, "Mixing gambling and gaming, especially at a young age, is dangerous for the mental health of the child."

Geens, according to the report, wants to ban in-game purchases outright (correction: if you don't know exactly what you're purchasing), and not just in Belgium: He said the process will take time, "because we have to go to Europe. We will certainly try to ban it."

Und ja, der Auslöser war BattleFront. Danke, EA!


Head of Dutch gambling commission appears on consumer affairs TV programme to discuss their investigation and confirm that it was prompted by Battlefront.

And now we play the waiting game.
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