membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 15.11.2017 16:05 Uhr
Thema: Können auch mehr sein, wegen Daily Reset. Ein wirklich tolle Shitshow: Antwort auf: 3 Stunden Reward Cool Down im Arcade Mode von Icheherntion
>EA lässt echt nichts anbrennen.

Wie's im Sterling-Video unter diesem Posting hier schon zu sehen war, hatte da einer einen 17 Stunden Cooldown.

Alles freizuschalten, soll übrigens auch *nach* der "Entschärfung" noch ordentlich lange dauern oder entsprechend kosten, laut dieser Berechnung etwa viereinhalbtausend Stunden oder knapp über 2000 Dollar:


There is a grand total of 324 cards. Upgrading these will require a total of 155,520 crafting parts. This requires opening a grand total of 3,111 loot crates which will require 4,528 hours of gameplay.
Opening the required 3,111 loot crates requires 248,880 crystals. If you only purchase $100 crystal packs, this will cost $2,100.

Und dann wiederum hat Polygon gestern eine betrübliche Feststellung zum aktuellen Kotsturm, die leider Sinn ergibt. EA sieht es eher als "Erfolg" sehen, den am meisten runtervotierten comment in Reddit-History zu haben. Der springende Punkt: "Always remember that the opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference.", denn nach dem ebenso schlimm mit Lootboxen zugeschissenen und in der Progression *komplett* versauten neuen Need For Speed kräht kein Hahn (Übersicht hier:


There was very little anger over the horrid economy of Need for Speed: Payback, and EA should be much more concerned by that fact than the ongoing campaign of outrage aimed at Battlefront 2.

Always remember that the opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference. The fans looked at the new Need for Speed, shrugged and then moved on with their life. There wasn’t enough of an emotional connection for them to fight through the bad monetization strategy.

EA’s explanation of Battlefront 2’s economy became the most downvoted comment in Reddit history. That’s a huge accomplishment, and EA probably sees it as a sad kind of triumph.

The reason this issue is continuing to make headlines is that fans don’t want to let it go. They care about the franchise enough to vote against EA’s practices and they will show up to be heard on this topic. They wouldn’t do that unless they really wanted to buy the game, and that level of commitment and passion is as good as money in the bank for EA. The publisher is flailing a bit to try to get the economy back in line, but the fact remains that the Battlefront franchise has a huge number of fans who truly care about the game and want it to be good.

EA is very much aware that the amount of hatred and anger thrown its way by fans for this long means that it’s sitting on a big game that people desperately want to play. The company also knows that this level of anger from this many people means that the complaint is valid and could lead to fewer sales, which is why it’s taking the time and effort to adjust the economy.

It all comes down to sales, but if a backlash is this severe and is sustained for this long it’s good evidence that the brand behind the game is still strong and relevant. EA is engaging in this madness because at the heart of it are millions of players who either will or won’t give them money.

Und in einer frischen Rede auf so einer Industriekonferenz sagt einer von EAs Anzugmännern dann auch, ich paraphrasiere mal das kaum auszuhaltende, widerlich-schleimige Corporate-Gelaber, was er toll findet ist, dass man mit den minimalen Dauerpatches immer schön den Newscycle neu starten kann (wir erinnern uns: outdating the outrage) und das, was er in seinem Leben am meisten bereut, ist, nicht auch schon Battlefield 4 mit Lootboxen vollgeschissen zu haben. Man hätte noch so viel mehr Geld verdienen können. Ach ja, und die Spieler sollen sich doch gefälligst in Geduld üben - sprich: die Fresse halten - , bis EA die richtige "Balance" bei den Knebelhebeln  gefunden hat. Man könnte fast meinen, der Typ hat vergessen, dass die Leute seiner Firma schon jeweils 60-100 Dollar rübergeschoben haben und sie in Bringschuld sind und allenfalls um Verzeihung, aber nicht um fucking "Geduld" zu bitten haben, als wären die Kunden die Bittsteller.


"The beauty of games today is you can constantly tune those games," Jorgensen said during the UBS Global Technology Conference 2017 this week. "So things that we we heard today, we'll tune in the game, and they'll be different tomorrow. Running a live service is all about constantly watching and listening to and reacting to the community to try to develop great gameplay."

Jorgensen said this is very different than the "old days" when people would play a game and then move on. Now, EA wants to keep players engaged--and spending--in a game long after release. For Battlefront II, Jorgensen said "people need to be patient" until EA can find acceptable values for things like hero credit-unlock values and more.

"But also players should really understand that we listen to the community very closely and we will always be changing the games to make those games better and make the community more excited about playing those games," Jorgensen said.

Jorgensen spoke generally about EA's approach to the games-as-a-service model. He said Battlefield 4 was a missed opportunity in this regard. It is consistently in the top 10 most played games for EA, Jorgensen mentioned, adding that the game could have made even more money if it had a "live service" component.

Overall, Jorgensen said he sees the live service model as being a "huge opportunity" for EA, so you can expect to see more of this going forward.
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