membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 24.10.2017 01:41 Uhr
Thema: Jimquisition: Machine learning & dynamic IAP pricing Antwort auf: Die wichtigsten News der Welt von membran

Dynamic pricing is the practice of altering prices for goods or services in real-time without altering the goods or services (e.g. “just changing the price”). Different users, or possibly even the same user at different times, will see different prices for the same good or service.

So richtig schön finster.

Activision's patented idea of utilizing matchmaking to trick players into buying DLC is an unsettling one, but if you think that's as bad as it gets, you don't know videogames.

Let's talk about Scientific Revenue, the service that demonstrates exactly what games want from you - they want to turn players into payers... and they proudly admit it.

The predatory side of gaming has only just begun to show its fangs.

***Diese Nachricht wurde von membran am 24.10.2017 01:42 bearbeitet.***
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