membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 16.08.2017 14:35 Uhr
Thema: Re:Aber trotzdem kaufen! Antwort auf: Aber trotzdem kaufen! von Icheherntion
>Nur, weil die VR-Umsetzung etwas sub-Par ist

Da scheinen die Meinungen ja extrem auseinander zu gehen. Zum Beispiel die beiden Outlets, die ich lose verfolge -

PC Gamer - [] - sieht es eher so wie du:

I tested on an HTC Vive, and I'm disappointed to say that virtual reality Rez doesn't do it for me. There's little sense of immersion—of being in this vibrant, sublime experience. Instead, there was a flatness, like I was playing on a massive, room-sized monitor. But Rez Infinite also features a new level, called Area X. This is Rez for VR, with full freedom of movement and a new visual style. Played out of VR, I found the ability to move something of a distraction. But in VR, with head tracking, it felt completely natural. The real disappointment is that there's only the one new level. As it stands, it's an excellent proof of concept.

Für Rock Paper Shotgun - [] - ist es dagegen the greatest VR game to date:

I’ll defer from any commentary on the health of the VR industry and speak only personally: until today, there was enough dust on my goggles to craft a life-size Jeff Fahey statue. With the shock release of ur-console musical shooter Rez Infinite on PC last week, that’s all changed. Whatever the future might hold for VR, the blissful lines, colours and rhythm of Rez writ wraparound and gigantic is a moment of redemption for the whole concept.

... then I played it in actual VR, and it comfortably passed a test that I’ve found precious few other VR games have done: it made its non-VR equivalent feel entirely redundant. On a monitor, Rez Infinite now seems so flat and small, absolutely like looking through a small window – a window to a better place, yes, but not stepping through the threshold into it.

... Poor old standard Rez Infinite. An amazing, groundbreaking thing rendered so plain by dint of another option in its own menu. Clearly, it’s only an option for a few of us, but for those this is VR gaming’s highest watermark. A reason to buy a headset? Well, perhaps not, given that anything else is diminishing returns after this, but it’s certainly a reason to not regret your purchase.

Muss ich mir wirklich mal am Wochenende selber ein Bild von machen.
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