membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 16.05.2017 17:33 Uhr
Thema: Re:wird das gut ... Antwort auf: Re:wird das gut ... von Felix Deutschland
>>wirkt auf mich nicht so "muss ich haben" like wie damals Splatoon.
>>Zumal ich kein Fan von Bewegungssteuerung bin.
>Das Spiel bietet auch ganz konventionelle Pad-Steuerung an. Ich erwarte mir eine Mischung aus Fechten und Tennis. Könnte cool werden!


Nintendo is encouraging players to use motion controls playing arms. You won’t be restricted in using other options, however. For months we’ve known that it will be full possible to play with traditional button controls. This month’s issue of EDGE explains how it’s done.

The magazine writes this month:

“Punches can be thrown using the triggers, or two of the face buttons – jump and dash are mapped on to the other two. You click the left stick to guard. Everything you need is here, and it works – but something’s missing. Since the left stick controls the angle of your punches, you can’t move in one direction and punch in the other. You can’t strike at a different angle with your other hand until the first punch is fully extended, either.”

EDGE does say that “ARMS isn’t quite the same” without motion controls. Still, the option is there if you’re not keen on moving around.
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