membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 11.05.2017 11:01 Uhr
Thema: Euro / American Truck Simulator bekommen Doppelanhänger Antwort auf: Unspezifische und Unkategorisierbare News! von Don Cosmo
Per Update im Frühsommer. Felix freut sich!


"After quite some years of internal discussions and frankly some frustrations and struggles to have the gameplay as well as technical side of multi-trailer physics support ironed out, we finally feel ready to reveal fresh info about our progress on doubles," the studio writes.

The addition of double trailers will come as part of a forthcoming update to both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. The studio expects the update to roll out "in early summer" (early winter in Australia), and it'll also usher in some new physics improvements.
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