membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 11.05.2017 09:28 Uhr
Thema: Below - Action-RPG Roguelike - PC/XB1 - 2017/18 Antwort auf: Upcoming: Spieleankündigungen und Ports und so von membran

Von den "Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP"-Devs, dem Mobile-Game, was es auch auf Steam geschafft hat.

Below is an adventure game viewed from a top down perspective. You are a tiny warrior exploring the depths of a remote island. The game is about exploration, though that goal is contingent upon the character's survival in a world where there is brutal combat and permanent death.

Sehr ansprechende Grafik, am Genre dürften sich aber einige reiben, zumal das Spiel dem Spieler keinerlei oder kaum Hilfestellung gibt, wohin es gehen soll oder was zu tun ist oder wie. Ein Releasetermin steht nicht fest. Vielmehr sollte es schon vor Jahren veröffentlicht werden und wurde erst Ende letzten Jahres auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben, eine Art Media-Blackout, um das Ding endlich fertig zu werkeln.

Instead of providing a new estimate for Below’s launch window, Capy is "going dark" while it finishes the game. The next major update will come when the company is ready to announce a "firm release date," the studio said.

Polygon hatte vor einem Jahr auch ein Preview zum damaligen Stand:
Pitched as a roguelike and due out this year, it's an RPG in which the character explores, solves problems and fights monsters. Progression comes through the power endowed by collectibles. All of this is normal for the genre. But Below's style is unusually stark for a console game. Below is a world of black and white and gray, with the occasional flash of light and splash of red.


First, its overhead camera sits a long way above the action, meaning that the main character is a very small part of the world it inhabits. This is in direct contrast to most modern, big budget RPGs in which the character takes up a significant proportion of the screen.

Second, it offers no clues as to how the character ought to progress. The player begins the game on a beach, alone. There are no signals about where to go, or what powers are available to you. Everything must be learned by experience.

You wander through the world and you encounter stuff and, although the game might give you broad clues about its intention (this is food, that is a trap) you are mostly expected to make mistakes and to pay the price. Certainly in the early part of the game, this makes the player feel extremely vulnerable and weak.

Third, if you die, you die and you return to the beginning. We call these games "Roguelikes" after 1980 dungeon-crawler Rogue. But the concept of insta-death has been the norm in fiction since time began, while save points and saved characters are modern video game conventions.

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