membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 09.05.2017 16:06 Uhr
Thema: Praey for the Gods - Shadow of the Colossus Survival Game - PC/PS4/XB1 - 2017/18 Antwort auf: Upcoming: Spieleankündigungen und Ports und so von membran
Das Spiel, was sich dank Prey letztens umbenennen musste, darum nun das "ae". Action Survival im Schnee mit fetten Bossen.


Praey for the Gods is a brutal journey set on a desolate frozen island, where your only chance of survival is to destroy the very gods you believe in.

In Praey for the Gods, you play a lone hero sent to the edge of a dying world to discover the mystery behind a never-ending winter. Arriving with only the clothes on your back, you must survive the colossal dangers that you encounter. To restore balance and reclaim the land from the brink, you will be faced with questions that not even a God knows the answer to.


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