membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 09.05.2017 14:31 Uhr
Thema: Wargroove - Advance Wars Klon von ChuckleFish - PC/XB1/Switch - 2017 Antwort auf: Upcoming: Spieleankündigungen und Ports und so von membran
Das Spiel, was Anfang des Jahres auf Twitter von den Starbound-Devs geteasert wurde, hat nun letztens einen Namen (WarGroove), Website ([]) und Zielplattformen (PC, Switch, XB1) bekommen. Release ist TBA 2017, eine Steam-Storepage zum auf die Wunschliste knallen gibt es leider noch nicht.

Aus ihrem FAQ:

What is Wargroove?
Wargroove is a turn-based strategy game for up to 4 players, in which each player takes control of an army and its commander unit to wage war on their enemies! Wargroove is extremely easy to pick up, with accessibility at the forefront of its design, and very difficult to master, with deep gameplay mechanics that complement strategic play.

So it’s basically like Advance Wars?
Kinda, but it’s more complicated than that! Wargroove aims to recreate the charm and accessibility of the titles that inspired it while bringing modern technology into the formula. This modern focus allows for higher resolution pixel art, robust online play and deep modding capability, ultimately creating the most complete experience for Advance Wars and TBS fans.

We’ve also got quite a few new-to-the-genre features in the works — but we’ll tell you about those later.

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