membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 09.05.2017 14:06 Uhr
Thema: Slice Dice & Rice - 1-Hit-KO Fighting Game - PC - April Antwort auf: Upcoming: Spieleankündigungen und Ports und so von membran
Schon draußen. Aber nur local Multplayer. Argh.



Slice Dice & Rice is a fighting game with no health bars, where fights can end in a single blow. It’s inspired by Bushido Blade, and the point is to out-think and out-maneuver your opponent rather than out-combo them. The art style is slick, too. Only thing I wish they’d change is the name. It’s on Steam Greenlight.


Slice Dice & Rice is an indie fighting game with no health bars. Inspired by Bushido Blade, it revolves around the idea of finding an opening in opponents defense and ending the round with a single, clean hit.

Gone are the tedious hit points – each scrach impairs your movement, every wound might be your last.

Our goal was to make fighting games accessible to anyone. An intuitive set of basic abilities allowed us to remove the need for memorizing inputs and move-lists, while retaining the complexity. Moves can be canceled to feint an attack, hits can be parried or dodged, and they can clash with one another. This creates a mind-game heavy gameplay, one that mimics real samurai showdowns.

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