membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 19.04.2017 14:23 Uhr
Thema: Gerücht: Eurogamer will von SNES Mini erfahren haben
Jetzt, wo Nintendo einfach keine neuen NES Minis mehr ausliefert (obwohl wohl noch Nachfrage besteht), steht wohl dieses Jahr das SNES Mini an, will Eurogamer erfahren haben.


Nintendo will follow up its smash hit NES microconsole with a mini version of the SNES, sources close to the company have confirmed to Eurogamer.

The SNES mini (or, to continue Nintendo's official branding, likely the Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Nintendo Entertainment System) is currently scheduled to launch in time for Christmas this year. Development of the device is already under way, our sources have indicated.


But NES mini ended up breaking out to become more popular than anticipated and quickly sold out, leading to a bustling resale market on eBay. NES mini shipments continued into the early part of this year, but its production run could not be extended further - as SNES mini was slated for production instead.


Nintendo declined to comment when contacted by Eurogamer.
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