membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 16.03.2017 13:58 Uhr
Thema: Dolphin nun mit eShop Support: "Proof of Purchase" Antwort auf: Emulier mir! von Icheherntion
Nicht, dass ich das auf diese Art und Weise nutzen würde, aber trotzdem: Hut ab.


As of version 5.0-2874, Dolphin can do the unthinkable: you can now access the Wii Shop Channel from within the emulator.

Dolphin can now download the free demos Nintendo made available on the system, as well as purchase Wiiware and Virtual Console games from the service. Because this feature is so new, it may take some time for the guides to get updated. The Wii Networking Guide will get you most of the way, but, you may also want confirm that you have the following:

Valid Console ID and keys.bin from that console.

Console country must be valid for that System Menu region.

Properly Extracted Certs - Old tool Cert tool was flawed, please go through the process again if you've done this in the past.

All IOSes and Updates. The System Menu's Online Updater can be used so long as the System Menu and its IOS are installed.

SSL Verification Enabled - This isn't necessary but you'll want it on if you're buying games. As of 5.0-2941 or newer, this is on by default. In older builds this can be enabled manually in dolphin.ini by using the option "SSLVerifyCert = True".

With all of the above, you can make full use of the Wii Shop Channel within an emulator!
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