membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 13.03.2017 09:23 Uhr
Thema: Yonder - Breath of the Wild vermischt mit Stardew Valley Antwort auf: Aaahhh-maziiihiing Gaaames von Icheherntion


Release wohl 18. Juli für PC / PS4.

Eine Insel im BotW Look, mit Tag-Nacht-Zyklus, Wetter, Jahreszeiten - und gequestet wird nicht mit dem Schwert, sondern mit Fischen, Craften und Tierzucht, oder so.

Scheint mir so, als würde uns noch das ein oder andere Spiel im neuen Zelda-Look erwarten. Rime z.B. sieht ja auch so aus.

Oh sure, Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles might look Legend of Zelda-y and okay, it is about a hero roaming the land to save it from evil, but get this: no combat. It’s Zelda filtered through Stardew Valley, a game where you save the world by helping people with your talents for farming, fishing, crafting, and such. No combat!

Yonder goes down on an island where our hero has shipwrecked. It squeezes in a world’s worth of biomes, complete with a day/night cycle and seasons.

“The hero of Yonder will explore the island, uncovering its secrets and the mysteries within them self as they embarks on a journey of self-discovery, while saving Gemea and its people. On the quest to become the island’s champion, he or she will join forces with natives and Sprites, ethereal creatures whom are the only thing capable of dispersing the murk.

“The towns of Gemea are filled with kind-hearted residents who have faced many difficulties since the arrival of the murk. By contributing to the island through talents like farming, crafting, cooking, fishing and brewing, relationships can be built with the locals, who offer everything from resources to a new farm as rewards.”

***Diese Nachricht wurde von membran am 13.03.2017 10:42 bearbeitet.***
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