Bonk  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 13.02.2017 18:14 Uhr
Thema: Zum Thema Browser Antwort auf: Nintendo Schalter - Der letzte switcht das Licht aus! von Felix Deutschland
Nachdem die Entwickler-Doku jetzt geleakt ist, zeigt sich, dass offenbar ein Web-Applet existiert, das Entwickler zum Aufruf von Webseiten ansprechen können. Das Thema WLAN-Zugangsseiten dürfte damit auch kein Problem sein.

Klingt als wäre der Weg zu einem Browser auch nicht allzu weit:

The web applet is a browser limited to the principal HTML5 functionality and video playback functionality.

The web applet has the following characteristics.

It can display webpages specified by applications or system applets.
You can customize the functionality by specifying options when you call the applet.
Unlike a normal Internet browser, the user cannot navigate to and display any desired webpage.
You cannot display things like HTML files that are within applications.
Use the offline web applet to display the application's Help in an HTML format. For more information, see 4.9 Offline Web Applet.

How to Operate

The web applet supports both hardware key and tap actions. The details are under discussion.
Software Keyboard

Selecting an element like a text box in a webpage starts the software keyboard. For more information, see 4.3 Software Keyboard Applet.
Restrictions When Creating Content

The web applet does not include the following features.

Saving bookmarks
New webpages open in the current window, even when using options like target_blank and
Viewing PDFs
Inline playback of video. (The media player starts for viewing videos.)
Internet filtering functionality

Conditions for Pages to Display

Meet the following conditions.

The page is directly relevant to the content of the application.
The content of the page does not deviate from the rating of the application.
It is continuously available.
The page can be displayed and controlled appropriately in the Internet browser.
The administrator of the page authorizes the application to open the page.
Any content to display using the web applet must conform in the application to the Parental Controls Compliance guideline.
A white list is used to permit the viewing of only pages that are necessary. A white list is currently being prepared.


The following content is supported.
Table 4-4 Web Applet Specifications
Item Description
Web Standards HTML5 CSS
Encryption TLS 1.0/1.1/1.2 OCSP
Scripting JavaScript ECMA5.1 (TBD)

Table 4-5 Supported Video Formats
Item Video Format
Container format MP4, m3u8, ts, Webm
Video Codec h.264, VP8, VP9
Audio Codec AAC, Vorbis
Subtitling and Closed Captions  WebVTT

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