membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 09.02.2017 14:02 Uhr
Thema: PC Gamer über Nintendo Spiele in VR (Dolphin VR Fork) Antwort auf: Die Rasenmähermänner von Icheherntion

Nintendo games can work shockingly well in Dolphin VR:
     Metroid Prime and F-Zero GX aren't built for VR, but they just became some of our favorite VR games anyway.

I don't want to oversell it, but after putting on the HTC Vive and playing Metroid Prime through the Dolphin emulator for five minutes, the words "this is the best thing I've done in VR" came out of James Davenport's mouth. This was after a flurry of "whoas" and "cooools" and "ohhhhs" elicited from playing Metroid in true, 360 degree first-person for the first time. Maybe it was the nostalgia talking. But the point still stands: Metroid Prime running at high resolution on a PC is amazing. What's also amazing is that it actually works.

Ich hatte ja letztes Jahr schon Mario Galaxy in VR gezockt, was schon geil war, aber im Zuge meiner Rennabenteuer die ganze Dolphin VR Chose aus den Augen verloren. Zuviele Games und zuwenig Zeit, ey. Muss ich mich nochmal dransetzen. So wie an DoomEngine VR. Und den 60fps-M+K-Port von GoldenEye (ohne VR).

***Diese Nachricht wurde von membran am 09.02.2017 14:04 bearbeitet.***
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