membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 07.02.2017 22:46 Uhr
Thema: Intanetto nashi Antwort auf: Nintendo Schalter - Der letzte switcht das Licht aus! von Felix Deutschland
Please understand.


"And in terms of the Internet browser, since all of our efforts have gone toward making Switch an amazing dedicated video game platform, it will not support it, at least at launch."

<insert companion app joke here>

Andere Stellen, an den ich schmunzeln musste:

"What about virtual reality? Is the launch version of Switch powerful enough to support it?
The very simple answer is yes. We've said this before, and I feel like we're saying it a lot, but we are interested and doing research into this field. The question, of course, is "What is the best way to bring virtual reality to our customers as a form of entertainment?" Not just, "Hey, look! It's realistic!" or whatever, but what is the best way to use this technology to bring something fun to our consumer base? We are definitely looking at that.

"We think eSports is the business that many consumers expect us to engage in now and in the future. We think titles such as Splatoon 2 and ARMS for Nintendo Switch have suitable elements for eSports. On the other hand, we are considering what Nintendo-like eSports can be in terms of the business model, and the rewards for the outcome of the battle."

***Diese Nachricht wurde von membran am 07.02.2017 22:48 bearbeitet.***
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