membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 02.12.2016 12:39 Uhr
Thema: Bow to your Sensei! Octagon Map am 7. Dezember Antwort auf: Rocket Fucking League von membran

No more flying solo.

Edit: Da kommt ja ne noch ganze Menge Zeug mehr. Workshop Support & Custom Training ist auch in diesem Patch und neue Varianten von alten Maps: Wasteland (Night) und Utopia (Snowy). Colorblind Mode, "Arena Preferences in Matchmaking" und natürlich die neueste Abzock-Lootcrate. Es sei ihnen vergönnt.

Alles unter:



Zum Training:

We have a lot of plans to keep improving on the Custom Training feature.  This is just the start!  Here are a few things we’re talking about for future updates:

Improved Browsing Experience

Adding search and filtering tools to make it easier to find new sequences in-game

Adding new 'sorting' methods to show off new or 'trending' sequences and not just the most downloaded ones

Adding user ratings and a way to browse 'Top Rated' sequences

More Sequence Options

Randomized Shot Lists

More 'types' than just Striker and Goalie

More options, like starting the car with velocity

***Diese Nachricht wurde von membran am 02.12.2016 12:54 bearbeitet.***
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