membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 02.11.2016 10:07 Uhr
Thema: Capcom wants to grow Monster Hunter in West, feels handhelds are limiting sales Antwort auf: Monster Hunter Generations: Hunting High and Low von membran

Ein user hat anscheinend übersetzt:

- Capcom predicts 100million PS4's and 40~50million Xbox One's will be sold by 2020.
- Predicts Street Fighter 5 will have long legs due to its e-sports popularity
- Capcom is a rare Japanese video game developer with a heavy focus on overseas consumers, must make games to appeal to the foreign consumers
- Talks about Monster Hunter 4 G's sales are being lower in the West compared to Japan, but is explained that it is due to the fact that the handheld market is only 10% of the dedicated video game market compared to Japan where handhelds are popular, and that they are taking the proper procedures to make sure that Monster Hunter grows overseas

***Diese Nachricht wurde von membran am 02.11.2016 10:08 bearbeitet.***
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