membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 19.10.2016 13:27 Uhr
Thema: Die Spielerschaft hat das ewige Geteasere des neuen Chars satt Antwort auf: Wer watscht die Overwatsch? von Felix Deutschland

After two months of inching forward, the Sombra-related countdown site hit 100 percent. And nothing big happened. People are now more fed up than ever.

People expected something huge. Most figured Blizzard would outright release Sombra at the end of it all, or at least give us a screenshot or a video or an animated short film in which she calls up her Internet service provider and demands a damn connection upgrade. But instead we got another anticlimax, after people already stared getting sick of it months ago.

General sentiment on places like the Overwatch subreddit and official forums is... less than positive.

Screenshots vom Nerdrage im Artikel.
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