membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 05.10.2016 09:13 Uhr
Thema: Mod nukes /r/NoMansSkyTheGame Antwort auf: Groß, Größer, No Man's Sky! von Don Cosmo
Das größte Subreddit zum Spiel wurde vom Haupt-Mod wurde mehr oder minder geschlossen. Alle Beiträge wurden gelöscht und das Subreddit auf privat gestellt, keiner kommt mehr rein.


So I purged the subreddit. It's become a hate filled wastehole of no actual discussion. It's not what we intended it to be and I don't like providing a platform for hate. I'm sorry to everyone who used the subreddit as intended but you are now in the majority. I'm sure you can find a different place to discuss this game. It's not hard.
This was my decision and mine alone. The other moderators tried to sway my opinion but cynicism got the best of me as usual.

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Damn. I don't think I've ever seen a game tank so hard it causes its own subreddit to shut down. Holy fuck.

Even after the purge, /r/nomansskythegame still has more content than the actual game.

Beating a dead horse, schon klar.
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