Rinoa  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 21.04.2016 08:14 Uhr
Thema: Re:360 no more! Antwort auf: 360 no more! von Icheherntion
>Damit verabschiedet sich die letzte Konsole, für die ich mich noch begeistern konnte.

Hä? Oder wolltest du dir jetzt ernsthaft noch eine neue 360 kaufen?

•Xbox 360 owners will continue to receive Xbox Live services for their console, such as online multiplayer gaming and parties, access to the apps they use today, and Games with Gold and Deals with Gold.

•Xbox Live servers that support Xbox 360 services will also remain online and active. Our Xbox 360 fans can continue to play their favorite games with the full support of Xbox Live.

•Gamers will also be able to continue to buy over 4,000 Xbox 360 games or Xbox 360 accessories at retail and through our Xbox 360 store online, while supplies last.

•Any Xbox 360 hardware will still be supported at xbox.com/support.

•And Xbox One owners will be able to continue to enjoy available Xbox 360 games through Xbox One Backward Compatibility – at no additional cost.

***Diese Nachricht wurde von Rinoa am 21.04.2016 08:15 bearbeitet.***
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