membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 17.02.2016 08:33 Uhr
Thema: Xbox Version ist draußen Antwort auf: Rocket Fucking League von membran
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I already owned an Xbox and got the game again to play with friends on this platform.......and I just won my first 1v1 15-0. I felt a little bad...

Is it just me, or does it seem to run really weirdly? im hoping they'll refine it

I turned off weather effects and vertical sync and it seemed to make it a bit better.

For the most part it seems okay. Some stages drop down to ~50fps - I have weather effects off though, so it doesn't get any worse than that. Handling seems fine. Game just crashed on me though :(

It's not just you. Sometimes I can't tell if it's lag but it feels like there are some low framerate issues.

yeh im super excited, I'm sure they'll fix it in the next couple days. I think there is some consistent lag cos it doesn't seem to happen in the trainings.. its nothing i cant deal with but aerials become that much harder yknow.

Been playing on PC since the games launch (with an Xbox one controller) and am having a blast getting 6-8 goal games while watching people flail around with their boosts and jumps. Ah the wonder of playing this magical game for the first time, they are all adorable.

Parties don't work properly?

Yeah I can't search for games with my friend

Yeah I'm having the same problem. Hopefully it's just a byproduct of millions of people downloading the game at once and making servers laggy.

Klingt... gut?
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