membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 10.02.2016 10:04 Uhr
Thema: Jim Sterling Blogeintrag dazu Antwort auf: GameTrailers am Ende! von Icheherntion


Whether you’re the most recognizable face a website has or a new hire brought on to write about Assassin’s Creed-branded headphones, it doesn’t matter – you’re all as disposable as each other in the eyes of a corporation’s sales department. The playing field has never been more level, because the field begins and ends at rock bottom for those doing the actual work.

Other video sites exists, other video players exist, but if you want to make your audiovisual content work, you’re almost obligated to be on YouTube. It’s the television of the Internet, and if you’re publishing your videos elsewhere, you’re doing street theater in comparison.

It’s a self-destructive situation to be in, reflective of the other problems we’ve mentioned – how audiences have no significant monetary value while remaining the most valuable currency sites have, how advertisements are at once too precious to let go and so damaging to a site’s usability that they get blocked by a ton of users.

When your business model exists on a flatbed of contradictions, the only logical option is failure.

***Diese Nachricht wurde von membran am 10.02.2016 10:07 bearbeitet.***
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