Knut  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 30.09.2015 15:18 Uhr
Thema: Re:Activision Highscore Patches Antwort auf: Activision Highscore Patches von Sascha
>"This gallery highlights the fabric patches that Activision offered for achieving
>high scores on their games.  Contestants were instructed to photograph their TV
>with the high score showing and mail it in, and Activision would send back a
>patch.  Today, these are highly collectible items.  In case you were wondering,
>Activision does not have any of these patches left today, so don't send them your
>high scores.  Really."
>Wie geil. =)

Das war wenigstens noch logistischer Aufwand. :)
Da ist das heutige Achivementsystem ja total billig dagegen hat aber den Vorteil der weltweiten visibility.
Die Patches haben nur ein paar Kumpels verstanden. :)
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