Fuse  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 30.03.2013 15:30 Uhr
Thema: Sin City #2 Antwort auf: A Blast from the past! News aus aller Welt. Und Japan! von Don Cosmo
Wir würden ja gerne, aber...

"We offload a significant amount of the calculations to our servers so that the computations are off the local PCs and are moved into the cloud (...) It wouldn't be possible to make the game offline without a significant amount of engineering work by our team."
- Maxis general manager Lucy Bradshaw

"But it is possible by some guy in his bedroom."
- eurogamer.net general user jabberwoky

Was? Wie?

"(playing around in the game's debug mode) UKAzzer was able to disable SimCity's disconnection timer, thus setting it to unlimited."

Das schien ja wirklich außerordentlich kompliziert!1

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