Fuse  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 15.11.2011 19:49 Uhr
Thema: Re:Under Defeat HD !!! -> Regionlocked -> MS policy? Antwort auf: Under Defeat HD !!! von Hanfling
>Dreamcast-Under Defeat für PS3/Xbox 360 geplant
>26.10.11 -Grev arbeitet an einer PS3- und Xbox 360-Version des Shooters Under Defeat. Der Arcade- und Dreamcast-Titel von 2005 soll als Under Defeat HD in Japan in den Handel kommen.
>Noch ist unklar, ob es sich um ein Disc- oder Download-Spiel handelt. Release: Frühjahr 2012 (Japan)
>yeah, UD ist sau geil! habe mir zwischendurch auch schon mal gedacht, dass das ein guter port wäre. als nächstes bitte Border Down!

G.Rev auf Facebook wegen des Regionlocks:


"As for the 360 version, however, you probably will not be able to play it unless you own a Japanese 360. Yes, there have been Japanese games released in the past that were not region locked. This became a problem (to whom, I am not sure…) and has basically become prohibited (i.e. strongly discouraged)."

Weiter unten nochmal:

"Hi everyone. Though we expected several visitors to this page would be unhappy with the confirmation that Under Defeat HD will not be region free, we had hoped you would understand that the decision is out of our hands. Titles that are exclusive to Japan are region locked, that is the platform’s policy. If we were free to choose, then we would certainly like for our overseas fans to be able to play the game.

We are aware that certain Japanese titles have been released region free. We do not know why or how that occurred. All we do know is that we are not able to make Under Defeat HD a region free game."

Mhhh... ist das wirklich eine neue policy von MS? Das wäre ja... beschissen.

Nachtrag: Kenn den nicht, aber Ian Hawkings dort schreibt dazu:

"Platform holders are the final word on what is to be region free. Microsoft Japan went on a new policy against region free games after Muchi Muchi Pork/Pink Sweets went region free. Nobody knows why. Microsoft Europe is still willing to negotiate, which is why Raising Star was able to pull off making Europe DoDonPachi Daifukkatsu/Resurrection playable in the Americas.

Microsoft Japan is a bag of dicks."


***Diese Nachricht wurde von Fuse am 15.11.2011 19:53 bearbeitet.***
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