Felix Deutschland  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 05.05.2010 15:42 Uhr
Thema: Kotaku Review Antwort auf: Nier, far, wherever you are... von Felix Deutschland

Das klingt so, als wenn sich clubmaster das vielleicht doch nochmal angucken sollte.

"Nier is not at all what I expected. At first glance, I was ready to dismiss the game as a generic action adventure title with a bland, muscle-bound hero on a quest to do something that would eventually blossom into full-blown world saving. As I played, I was pleasantly surprised to find a complex action role-playing game with some big ideas, a daring storyline, flashy combat, and enough extra content to satisfy even the most obsessive compulsive role-playing fan. Like its main character, Nier's thuggish exterior hides a very complex story for those willing to take the time to get to know it.

If that's not compelling enough, it has a scantily-clad hermaphrodite who says "Shit Hog." Everybody wins!"
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