Rinoa  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 15.04.2010 17:26 Uhr
Thema: Re:Two Worlds 2 - Die Verführung Antwort auf: Two Worlds 2 - Die Verführung von Carnivore

Two Worlds 2 has all the elements that players of fantasy RPGs expect, but the one place it goes where few dare tread is multiplayer. While nothing's been shown yet, players can expect competitive multiplayer as well as cooperative. The character you create in multiplayer is different from that of singleplayer, so players have to build them up and equip them all over again. To help with this, Two Worlds 2 will also include what's internally called "village mode," where players can build up their own village and customize it so it specializes in something that helps the player in their journey (one village might make great weapons, for instance). It's not clear how players will level up their villages, but it was revealed that players will be able to visit other players' towns in order to benefit from one another's specialties. This will allow a team of players to specialize in very specific trades that help them in the cooperative campaign, and also give players something more than a character model to customize.

With a game like Two Worlds 2 it's ultimately hard to say how good or bad it could be until you get to try it, but the new engine and obvious attention to the critiques that were leveled against the original make the sequel intriguing. It's rare to see a developer be so candid with their past failures, but the humility and passion behind Two Worlds 2 shows, and is already making it much more than a game to be quickly dismissed.
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