Nitschi  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 16.05.2008 11:26 Uhr
Thema: Ein Review, das IMO den Nagel auf den Kopf trifft: Antwort auf: Grand Schlecht Auto 4.2 von Escobar
Sorry, falls das hier schon mal gepostet wurde. Überschneidet sich aber 1:1 mit meiner Meinung zu dem Spiel:


ad Singlepayer/Gameplay:
".... but my personal impression of GTA IV has been underwhelming, tinged with boredom and frustration."

"The single player is extremely repetitive. In IV, the only things you can really do, are shoot, and drive. And the 90+ missions are almost exact replicas of each other."

"IV takes the engine in huge leaps forwards, but basically presents us with nothing new to explore, nothing new to be amazed at, to immerse ourselves in the single player, and ultimately, this is why I am disappointed."

ad Story:
"Why the hell are people talking about GTA IV like it's a Tolstoy novel?! It's the SAME STORY that every GTA has had. ... Of course, the humour and satire in IV that's evident in the radio, tv, and surroundings is still good, but it's nothing mind-blowingly new"

ad Multiplayer:
"Without a doubt, the multiplayer is fun. It's new and different. But for some reason, it also feels a little dated and shallow. Play with friends and you can entertain yourself for a good few hours, but play it as a competitive game online with strangers, and you soon realise that there isn't much to engage with."

"... the graphics and physics are pure next-gen, but the game itself is so dated it's virtually a backwards step for the series I used to love. Plus, and this is the final nail in the coffin, the soundtrack sucks."

Sorry für das billige copy & paste und zitieren, aber treffender könnte ich meinen Eindruck zu GTA 4 nicht formulieren. Ich halte es nach wie vor nicht für richtig SCHLECHT, es macht zwischendurch sogar richtig Spaß aber ich bin schlussendlich einfach enttäuscht.
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