membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 27.09.2017 16:23 Uhr
Thema: Einer im GAF dazu und sein Workaround Antwort auf: Windows Store mal wieder edelst von membran

"I believe I found the trick with the downloads error-ing out.

Hitting the restart button (round circular thing) does absolutely nothing. It will attempt to resume where it left off and error out again.

The trick is to hit the X and close out the download. Then go into the store for the game. And pick the option Update.

It will then say "Working", close it out then re-open the store for the Game Page and it will start the download. It will APPEAR to start the download from 0, however this is not the case. It is actually scanning your HDD for currently downloaded portions and doing a file verification. This can take some time depending on how much you downloaded but it will resume where you left off. It was verifying the download in chunks of 1GB at a time.

It eventually resumed and as of me finishing my post I download just finished a few seconds ago. I hope this info is useful and works for you as it did for me.

Der beste Store der Welt, Leute. Der beste Store der Welt.
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