00ich  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 11.02.2007 18:58 Uhr
Thema: Stalker
Nach dem ich es mal eine Zeit als vaporware abgetan habe klingt es mittlerweile wieder richtig interessant.

"You should also take into account the density of materials and the ability to shoot through them--concrete blocks are good cover, while thin metal and wood are not."
"And don't forget to change your weapons from time to time, as the weapons show realistic wear and tear over time."
"Real bullet speed makes it necessary to lead your target while shooting at a target that is moving and far away. The same goes for grenades; they use physics, creating physical waves and splinters after the explosion. We also created a ricochet that sometimes can be used to shoot a covered enemy, if you are able to calculate everything correctly, of course. You should remember the ricochet effect so you don't hit yourself accidentally."

"a considerable part of the gameplay revolves around the survival of the player. By the notion of survival, we mean not only physical survival in the exclusion zone, but also the meticulous planning of equipment, careful movement thorough the zone, and knowing when to fight and when not to. Lack of bullets is also common, especially when the game begins. The player will have to pick up ammunition from slain enemies, look for hidden stashes, trade, and so on."

Angeblich ist das Spiel feature complete und sie habenn einen Release Cadidat fertig Bin mal auf erste Reviews gesapannt.
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