PUH  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 06.01.2022 12:18 Uhr
Thema: Re:eBay Antwort auf: eBay von Sascha
>"Dear friend, Thanks for your order! Your package should be sent out today,
>but sorry to say, before shipping, we checked out the quality of this item
>is not good enough, considering of safety problem, we can't ship it to you.
>And now, we have sent the whole bulk to manufacturer, and the next stock
>will be available next month. We know the time is long for you, so we can
>only suggest you to cancel this order, thanks! Again, we apologize for this
>thing and any inconvenience that may caused by it, hope you can kindly
>understand, thanks! Sincerely"

Musst du die Real Doll woanders bestellen!
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