Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 09.06.2021 04:10 Uhr
Thema: RAT Antwort auf: #Menschen, #Tiere, #Mittelmaß und mehr... von Sascha

"This is an Airbus A320, I am type rated and currently fly this airplane.
Yes this is the RAT, it automatically deploys if there’s a complete loss
of power on the AC system, but can always be manually deployed. It is also
used if there’s a loss of hydraulic pressure as well. Interesting facts:
it takes 8 seconds for it to deploy in flight and get completely spun up
and powering. Second, this RAT turns a hydraulic pump which in turn powers
a generator. So in essence, it’s a back up to the back up system which can
do both power and hydraulics. This is one of the many redundancies we have
on board, and why flying is so safe."

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