Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 19.01.2021 04:25 Uhr
Thema: Trailer: Kenan (NBC) Antwort auf: 8K, das neue 4k, BR, DVD. Auch im Stream, TV oder Kino von Daiyama

"Beloved Saturday Night Live cast and NBC family member, the irresistibly funny
Kenan Thompson stars in a new family comedy that delivers on his undeniably
charming and wondrously magnetic personality. In the series, Kenan strives to be
a super dad to his two adorable daughters."

Schade, als Single-Cam vielleicht noch gangbar, aber als überdrehte Laughtrack-
Comedy? "As much as I like Kenan, this show probably won't last a month."

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