membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 22.08.2018 09:38 Uhr
Thema: Re:Dem Kino geht's nicht gut Antwort auf: Re:Dem Kino geht's nicht gut von Don Cosmo
>>Hmm, ob mehr Steuergeld da helfen würde?
>Würde spontan das heiße Wetter im Verdacht haben...

Lustig, wenn man die einer der Attraktionen in den Anfängen des Kinos in Betracht zieht:


In 1925, Willis Carrier installed a "refrigerating plant" in the Rivoli Theater in Times Square, ushering in an era of air conditioned summer entertainment.
In the early days of movies, the promise of “air conditioned comfort” helped many 1920s theater owners improve summertime box office receipts.


By 1930, more than 300 theaters hung banners from their marquees advertising, “Cooled by Refrigeration.”

(...) ushered in an era of air conditioned summer entertainment and started a trend in the movie theater business, attracting people to come inside and get cool.
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