PUH  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 03.05.2018 09:58 Uhr
Thema: Re:Die Spinne, die 43 Jahre alt wurde Antwort auf: Die Spinne, die 43 Jahre alt wurde von membran
Schöne Story!

>This is the story of the oldest known spider in the world and the people who knew her. The details are compiled largely from research conducted by Barbara Main and Leanda Mason, who knew her best over nearly half a century.
>She was born beneath an acacia tree in one of the few patches of wilderness left in the southwest Australian wheat belt, in an underground burrow lined with her mother’s perfect silk.
>Her mother had used the same silk, strong and thick, to seal the burrow’s entrance against the withering heat of the summer of 1974, and against all the flying, prodding things that prowled the North Bungulla Reserve.
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