Felix Deutschland  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 05.08.2017 00:00 Uhr
Thema: Re: Telefon Leaks Antwort auf: Telefon Leaks von Seriös
>Der ist maximal im Frühstadium dement, höchstwahrscheinlich ist es einfach was 30 Jahre Fox News, Drogen und sonstiges High Society Leben mit einem anstellen.

Wobei da echt einige geile Sachen dabei sind. "Local milk people", natürlich, aber auch sowas hier:

"I met you the one time and I studied you. You are a very hard person to study, because you are sending out messages that are important to the Mexican people."

Das ist teilweise echt wie "Besoffen posten" mit Elses. Find aber auch das blubb der Gesprächspartner extrem schwer zu folgen, ich würde wahrscheinlich ähnlich nichtssagende Worthülsen aneinanderreihen. Sicherlich wäre das Ergebnis weniger bizarr, er sagt ja schon manche Sachen, die einfach mega seltsam sind.

"They are sending drugs to Chicago, Los Angeles, and to New York. Up in New Hampshire – I won New Hampshire because New Hampshire is a drug-infested den – is coming from the southern border."

(Die Post fügt zudem in einer Fußnote an, dass New Hampshire nach einem Recount sechs Tage nach Elexction Day an Clinton gegangen war - zusätzlich zu Statistiken, die einen Großteil der Abhängigkeit "prescription drugs" zurechnen, also -> opioid epidemic, damit hausgemachtes Drogenproblem)

"We have a massive drug problem where kids are becoming addicted to drugs because drugs are being sold for less money than candy because there is so much of it."

(Richtig wäre vielmehr "We have a massive drug problem where adults are becoming addicted to oxycotin because oxycotin is being sold like candy because you can get it legally, at the pharmacy, for the price of pretty expensive candy")

"The only thing I will ask you though is on the wall, you and I both have a political problem. My people stand up and say, “Mexico will pay for the wall” and your people probably say something in a similar but slightly different language."

(Spätestens hier würde jeder, dem man das so zitiert, sagen, dass man sich die Zitate selber ausdenkt, weil so einen Scheiß kein normaler Mensch zusammenlabern würde)

"Enrique, you and I have to knock it out – you and I have to knock the hell out of them. Listen, I know how tough these guys are – our military will knock them out like you never thought of, we will work to help you knock them out because your country does not want that. Your citizens are being killed all over the place, your police officers are being shot in the head, and your children are being killed. And we will knock them out."

"Peña Nieto: You are very kind, Mr. President. And really, the only thing I am interested in for both of our nations to do well – for your government, for you, and for us to truly have a relationship with friendship and a very constructive relationship, Mr. Trump.

Trump: You know, we should put that in the statement. Your words are so beautiful. Those are beautiful words and I do not think I can speak that beautifully, okay? It would be great to put those words at the end of the statement. Really nice though."

ROFL! "The only thing I am interested in for both of our nations to do well, for our governmentm for you, and for us to truly have a relationship with friendship and a very constructive relationship", ja, wunderschön, fließt quasi wie von allein von der Zunge.

"Trump: Okay, good. Can Australia give me a guarantee that if we have any problems – you know that is what they said about the Boston bombers. They said they were wonderful young men.

Turnbull: They were Russians. They were not from any of these countries.

Trump: They were from wherever they were."

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