membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 10.07.2017 10:22 Uhr
Thema: Re:Der MAGA Song Antwort auf: Re:Der MAGA Song von Felix Deutschland

>Man kriegt Kopfschmerzen von den ganzen Zoomfahrten auf Standbilder in kürzester Zeit. Wer auch immer das Video geschnitten hat, muss starke Aufputschmittel nehmen oder eine sonstwie bedingte unnormal hohe Toleranz für sensorische Überbelastung besitzen.


While Trump has always worn his influences on his sleeve—D. W. Griffith, Leni Riefenstahl, Veit Harlan, the list pretty much ends there—his latest work exceeds them all from frame one. Has any single image captured the modern condition of despair better than Trump’s opening shot?

A still photo of the president of the United States angrily explaining something to his wife, who is not paying attention, badly compressed so that it looks pixelated beyond belief, with audio that has been carefully miscued to allow a full second of sheet-music rustle before the brass comes in: David Lynch couldn’t fit that much unease on screen if you gave him two TV shows and a feature film.

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