Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 26.01.2017 05:48 Uhr
Thema: Wir warten auf Rick and Morty Antwort auf: TVTV - Fernsehen bleibt Fernsehen von Sascha

"Unfortunately, it’s starting to look like when you get sentenced to
life in maximum security prison by the Galactic Federation with no
chance of parole, you might actually be screwed. Indiewire reports
show co-creator Dan Harmon took the stage Sunday night at the Sundance
Film Festival for a discussion about his career, and when asked when
the popular Adult Swim series Rick And Morty would return, he made it
clear that not even Mr. Meeseeks would be capable of getting a return
date at the moment."

Und am Ende heißt es: Aus Protest zu Trumpf,
kein Rick and Morty mehr.
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