membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 01.12.2016 11:51 Uhr
Thema: verstört wohl Kinder... oh buhuhu! Antwort auf: Cars 3 Teaser von Sascha

After the trailer was posted on YouTube, Disney and Pixar added it to the batch of previews and trailers that played before Moana. It didn’t take long for adult movie goers to start posting their thoughts about the trailer, and more importantly, their own reports of how kids reacted:

"The kids in my theater for Moana were absolutely traumatized by the Cars 3 teaser trailer."

"They played the cars 3 trailer at the movie theater and one little girl scream cried when they showed him hit in the air and I was dying"

"A kid started whimpering at the Cars 3 teaser."

"A toddler started crying during the Cars 3 teaser before Moana last week and another kid covered their eyes so i guess it was successful"

“Nice job. My six year old is sobbing, I've never seen him this upset. Now none of us want to see it. Remember your target audience is small children.”

"When did an animated movie about talking cars become so dark?"

Ich würde eher diesem Kommentar hier zustimmen:

“Bambi's mom shot, Tarzan's parents killed by leopard, Mufasa murdered by his brother, Nemo's mom eaten by a barracuda, but yes a car flipping is too dark for a kids movie,” one commenter wrote.

Zum Teaser selbst - ders wirkt eher wie für ein Videospiel gemacht.
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