Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 02.03.2016 20:05 Uhr
Thema: Re:GYMKATA ONE Antwort auf: GYMKATA ONE von Felix Deutschland

> Ich muss den unbedingt gucken.

Super! Aber offenbar keine Nazis. Untypisch.

"Johnathan Cabot is a champion gymnast. In the tiny, yet savage, country of
Parmistan, there is a perfect spot for a "star wars" site. For the US to get
this site, they must compete in the brutal "Game". The government calls on Cabot,
the son of a former operative, to win the game. Cabot must combine his gymnastics
skills of the west with fighting secrets of the east and form GYMKATA!"

Da kann sich manch Actioner heute eine Scheibe von abschneiden!
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