Knut  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 10.02.2016 17:03 Uhr
Thema: Re:Portal Science! Antwort auf: Portal Science! von Icheherntion
>Everything has been recorded at first-person perspective. It resulted in infinite psychedelic visuals such as giant spirals, never-ending walls, and gigantic perpetual portal rooms. Scary at first when you're face to face with yourself. Such visuals potentially can trigger anxiety about mirrors and stairs to some people. There is no way to get out without restarting or using cvars. Chell doesn't die by doing this, and it looks like there's no gravity anymore.

Wow, das Spiel berechnet das wirklich so?
Nichts mit" Ich hatte langeweile und male mal was ich mir vorstelle was so passieren würde wenn zwei Portale aufeinander treffen"?
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