membran  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 17.09.2015 14:31 Uhr
Thema: Re:Ein paar nette Bilder von Personen der Zeitgeschichte Antwort auf: Re:Ein paar nette Bilder von Personen der Zeitgeschichte von Don Cosmo
>aber Conan O'brien war Writer bei den Simpsons?! WTF? Dachte erst "Mensch, der eine sieht aus wie Conan, haha!" und dann "Whaaaat?"

Jo, von 92-93.
He wrote the episodes "New Kid on the Block", "Marge vs. the Monorail", "Homer Goes to College" and the wraparounds of "Treehouse of Horror IV". He also wrote the unproduced sequel to "Stark Raving Dad", which was intended to revolve around Prince. He also created the character of Captain Horatio McCallister (the Sea Captain) and he named Patty Bouvier's iguana Jub-Jub (something he would say during awkward silences while writing). Of the episodes he wrote while there, he considers "Marge vs. the Monorail" to be his favorite. In the writer's room O'Brien used to act out jokes and other actions, entertaining the other writers.
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