Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 22.02.2015 12:11 Uhr
Thema: Samsung TVs start inserting ads into your movies Antwort auf: Reissackumfalllivestreamberichterstattungsthread#2! von Don Cosmo

"Thought you could watch that video on your local hard drive without ads? Think
again: A number of owners of Samsung’s smart TVs are reporting this week that
their TV sets started to interrupt their movie viewing with Pepsi ads, which
seem to be dynamically inserted into third-party content.

"Every movie I play 20-30 minutes in it plays the pepsi ad, no audio but crisp
clear ad. It has happened on 6 movies today," a user reported on Reddit, where
a number of others were struggling with the same problem."


Samsung Fernseher machen nicht nur das, sie hören ja auch mit.
Angeblich nur, wenn aktiv auf die Sprachsteuerung zugegriffen wird.
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