Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 27.10.2014 05:47 Uhr
Thema: Honey Boo Boo abgesetzt Antwort auf: TVTV! Wetten, dass?! war einmal und Nonstop-TAHHM! von Sascha

"Finally answering the question of where TLC’s standards lie when it comes to
monetizing repugnant behavior, the network has canceled Here Comes Honey Boo
Boo in the wake of reports that its family matriarch, "Mama June" Thompson,
is dating a convicted child molester.
"Supporting the health and welfare of
these remarkable children is our only priority. TLC is faithfully committed
to the children’s ongoing comfort and well-being," reads a statement from the
concerned channel that spent several years nurturing those same remarkable
children with "Go Go Juice," butter, and entitlement, and documenting a
6-year-old’s every sneeze and fart for posterity" much like a pediatrician would
keep careful medical records." (AVClub)

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