Fuse  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 30.08.2012 16:52 Uhr
Thema: Anonymous insanity vs. Telecomix feminazis Antwort auf: Sachen zum lachen. von Carnivore
Lustig? Kommt auf den Humor an, den man mitbringt.


Over a period of time we have made extensive d0x on the core members. Many of them are funded by the state of Sweden or foundations created by the Wallenberg sphere. All of them are feminists (feminazi type), even their male members. All of them make a surface appearance of political correctness and soft-liberal views. But behind that veil of political correctness lies a corporate-neocon agenda, which is funded by the State of Sweden.


So einen Schuss muss man erstmal haben.

Edit: Der Angriff geht wohl nicht ernsthaft von A. aus.

***Diese Nachricht wurde von Fuse am 30.08.2012 17:18 bearbeitet.***
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