Sascha  (E-Mail nur eingeloggt Sichtbar) am 21.07.2008 06:40 Uhr
Thema: F16 vs SUV Antwort auf: Pressefotos des Jahres von Sascha

Last April 9th, at Dugway Proving Ground in Utah, two soldiers were driving a rented SUV
about five kilometers from the part of the range used for live firing. It was at night,
and an F-16 that thought it was firing at something in the live fire area, lit up the SUV
instead. Only 70 20mm rounds were fired. Fortunately, the two people in the SUV were only
injured (both from flying glass, the passenger got a dislocated shoulder as he rapidly
exited the vehicle when it quickly turned off the road and stopped.) The investigation
of how this happen has not been completed.

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